An auto body shop takes care of slightly different tasks than an auto repair shop. An auto body shop is focused on fixing body damage to your vehicle after you have been involved in a wreck or accident. Auto body shops can take on a variety of different repair tasks.
Service #1: Fender Repair
If someone hits the back of your vehicle, your fender may get damaged. A fender has unique characteristics that help protect you and keep you safe during an accident. Once your fender has been damaged, it will not provide you with the same level of protection if you were to get into another accident. An auto body shop can work to remove the damage or replace the fender with an entirely new one.
Service #2: Bumper Repair
If you were the one who rear-ended someone, there is a good chance that your bumper could have gotten damaged in the accident.
Bumpers can also get damaged in accidents where there is not another vehicle involved, such as hitting a pole or bumping into a wall. Just like the fender, the bumper acts to protect you in the event of an accident. If the quality of a bumper is significantly compromised, it is important to get the bumper repaired. An auto body shop can butt out scratches and scrapes and replace your bumper if it has suffered significant body damage.
Service #3: Paint Repair
Over time, it is easy for your vehicle to suffer damage to the paint. Little scratches and rock chips can add up over time, cutting through the paint layers on your car. Once the paint is damaged, rust can quickly get through and harm your vehicle. An auto body shop can help fill in and fix small paint scratches and chips and prevent rust damage to your car. They can also wholly repaint your vehicle if necessary.
Service #4: Dent Repair
If you have damage to a body panel other than the fender or bumper, an auto body shop can take care of that for you as well. They use different techniques to address the body damaged depending on the severity of the damage. For example, they can use paintless dent repair for minor dents, which is a more affordable way to fix up dents. Auto body shops will make sure the integrity of the body panel is restored.
Service #5: Windshield Repair
Finally, auto body shops can also take care of a damaged windshield or other damaged glass on your vehicle. They can repair a small scratch on your windshield or entirely replace the windshield if necessary. If a side window, moon roof, or rear window are damaged, they can replace that glass as well.
If your vehicle has suffered any damage to its body, an auto repair shop can fix it for you. Just take your car down to a local auto body shop, and they will provide you with a repair quote.